Razpotja is a quarterly magazine aimed at fostering an informed public discussion on issues of general concern. Founded in 2010, it has become one of the leading cultural and intellectual magazines in Slovenia. With a young editorial board, it provides a platform for a substantiated non-academic debate, mostly written from the perspective of the millennial generation and younger.
Each issue is dedicated to a topic of broad public interest approached by longreads articulating different standpoints. These articles are usually chosen through an open call for papers, thus enabling the participation of emergent authors.
Each issue also includes one or more long-form essays on recent prominent non-ficiton book titles (Nihil humani); an enquiry on cultural and identity issues in different European countries, mostly written by emergent European authors (Café Europa) or an essay (American Diner); an essay with a philosophical take on current social phenomena (Reflection) In addition to that, there are regular sections for analyses of global affairs, interviews, and articles on cultural topics and local issues.
Since 2014, Razpotja collaborates with Slovenian illustrators of the younger generation who contribute their illustrations/visual essays on the main topic of the issue.
Editor in Chief:
Martin Hergouth
Editorial board:
Bojan Albahari, Blaž Kosovel, Miha Kosovel, Aljoša Kravanja, Luka Lisjak Gabrijelčič, Katja Pahor
Društvo humanistov Goriške
XXX. divizije 13a
5000 Nova Gorica
041 625 266 (Martin Hergouth)
051 203 100 (Miha Kosovel)
041 521 268 (Blaž Kosovel)
Office address:
Vilharjeva 3
1000 Ljubljana
Razpotja are a member of Eurozine –
a network of European cultural journals,
linking up more than 80 partner journals
and just as many associated magazines
and institutions from nearly all European countries.
The magazine is published by Goriška Humanist Association, and NGO from Nova Gorica, Slovenia. The organization itself has been active ince 2006, when a group of humanist and social studies students formed an association to serve as a platform for organizing debates, lectures, panel discussions, readers circle and other cultural events. The association is still focused on these activities which serve as a promotion tool for the magazine as well.
Društvo humanistov Goriške
XXX. divizije 13a, Nova Gorica
Vilharjeva 3
1000 Ljubljana